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How to get this working on your Computer

It's no thanks to Windows and Apple that there are a number of surmountable hoops to jump through in order to get my software to work.... Let's deal with Windows first


Go and download the software - easy eh?  Enter the woods...  I'd advise right-clicking on the link and use "Save Link as" as that will help.  You may get a nasty message like this:


So, do you see those 3 dots on the right, if you click on that, you should get the option to "Keep" - choose that.  You may then get another warning asking you to "Keep Anyway", if so choose that too.  You'll get a dialogue asking if you want to open it - choose yes. If you get any other warning after that, it's most likely that you will want to turn off your antivirus software until installation has begun.

All things going well, you should get this:


sight-reading software for guitar

Which will most probably present you with this monstrosity:



Needless to say, at this point, choose "Yes".  My software is completely designed by me - free of viruses and other nasties.  You will enter the installation process after that (you can then re-activate antivirus if needed).


So, when you go to download the Mac version, a new window will open up and the file will begin downloading.

The key to the Mac version is to right-click > Open and "Run anyway".  After installation it will often tell you that you downloaded this from the web and do you still want to open it... (choose yes of course :)

This window will open up.  Make sure you use the email you used to license your software.  Be sure to add some name for your registration splash screen (this influences nothing – it’s just a nice touch).

Buying the software

If you have never had Guitar SightReader Toolbox on your computer before, you'll get 10 free days of trial to check it out.

no strings attached.  

Once you've scratched the surface of all of the amazing tools, you'll want to buy it.

There are 2 was to do this.  Go to the main menu > License Stuff > Buy Licenses.


You get this page - it's actually a web page from this website with paypal buttons to buy licenses for the software

The other way is on my Guitar SightReader Toolbox page and use the paypal button - you may have seen it already


Now, I will get an email letting me know that funds have gone through.  I live in New Zealand, so there may be a little bit of a delay (like I might be asleep) before I see this.  You'll probably send me an email wondering where the activation keys are.

Well, once I see the email (and I check it all the time) on my side, I will make you a license (and an extra bonus license for another computer).  You don't need me to send you any activation keys from that point.  Check out activation to see why:


Activation is pretty straight forward and doesn't need any contact with me.  With your clean licenses, you go here:


and you get this page:


Put in the email that is connected to your license (Obviously BlahBlah is not my email and Booger is not my username), enter in a user name for it.  Press the Activate button ONCE.  It'll tell you that the email is on it's way from guitarsightreadertoolbox@prolevelguitar,com.  Keep this window open.  

When you get the email (if not in the inbox, check the junk folder), there will be a 7 digit number that you will need to type into the 7 digit activation code box.

Do that, then press submit...  You're activated!  restart the software up again and you're good to go!

If you are re-nstalling Guitar SightReader Toolbox on a computer you activated before, when you press the activation button, it will tell you that it recognises this computer and just restart it.  Cool eh?

IF you have any problems (like you bought a new computer), let me know and I can clean your license ready to be activated again)


Desk Telephone_edited.png

tel: (+64) 022-414-0972

If you're a new user and would like to skype with me to take you through the various tools, please drop me a line here.


If you have any other questions or testimonials, you can do the same.


This will reach me on my main email!



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